Designerne bag Sentrum, Maximilian Schmahl og Fabian Schnippering, har samme studeret produktdesign ved Bauhaus Universitet Weimar i Tyskland. Deres teoretiske baggrund vises i bordet, der følger princippet om enkelthed eftersom man har fjernet alle unødige elementer. Det som står tilbage, er en stærk base og geometrisk udtryk med funktion i centrum. Den S-formet konstruktion skaber to rum til opbevaring for at optimere anvendelsen af bordet. Lad Sentrum få en central plads i hjemmet.
The designers behind the Sentrum side table, Maximilian Schmahl and Fabian Schnippering, have studied product design together at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in Germany. Their shared theoretical background shows in the side table, which follows the principle of simplicity as it has been stripped from all unnecessary elements. What is left is a strong base and geometrical expression with the functionalities at the center of attention. The S-shaped construction creates two spaces for storage on both sides to enhance to usability of the side table. Let the Sentrum side table get a central spot in your home.