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Cookie Policy

Vi anvender cookies

Vores websted anvender cookies. I henhold til den relevante lovgivning om elektronisk kommunikation skal alle besøgende på et websted med cookies have følgende oplysninger:

- Det faktum, at webstedet bruger cookies

- Hvad cookies bruges til

- Hvordan cookies kan undgås

Hvad er en cookie?

Cookies er små tekstfiler, der gemmes på brugerens computer. De muliggør et bedre og mere personligt tilpasset websted for dig som bruger og giver os samtidig statistik over brugen af RoyalDesign.dk. Cookies indeholder ikke dine personlige oplysninger og er ikke skadelige for dig som bruger.  

RoyalDesign.dk bruger fire typer cookies: 

- Nødvendige cookies 

- Analytiske cookies 

- Funktionelle cookies

- Målretningscookies

Ovennævnte cookies kan også gemmes i forskellige perioder. Sessionscookies er kun aktive, mens du er på webstedet; de slettes, når du lukker din browser. Permanente cookies gemmes i din browser, også efter at du har lukket den. De kan udløbe og slettes, når der er gået et vist tidsrum, eller de kan forblive permanent, indtil du som bruger sletter dem.

Hvorfor anvender vi cookies?

Vi bruger cookies for at forbedre brugeroplevelsen for vores besøgende.

Vi bruger førsteparts- og tredjeparts-cookies på vores websted. Førstepartscookies installeres direkte af os og anvendes udelukkende af os. Tredjepartscookies installeres af andre websteder, tjenester og/eller parter. Sådanne cookies installeres til analyse- og/eller markedsføringsformål. Data, der indsamles fra disse cookies, kan blive delt med tredjeparter, såsom Google og Meta.

Nogle af cookies på vores websted indsamler dine personlige data; se vores politik om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger for at få flere oplysninger om, hvordan vi indsamler og bruger dine data, når du interagerer med os og bruger vores websted.

Hvilken slags cookies bruger vi?

Cookies, der ikke kræver samtykke (nødvendige cookies)

Disse cookies er nødvendige for, at webstedet kan fungere, og kræver derfor ikke dit samtykke. De bruges for det meste til at reagere på dine handlinger, der udgør en anmodning om service, f.eks. til at oprette dine privatlivsindstillinger, logge ind eller udfylde forskellige formularer. 

Din browser har indstillinger til at blokere denne type cookies eller advare dig om dem, men hvis de blokeres, vil visse dele af webstedet ikke fungere. Disse cookies gemmer ikke personlig identificerbare oplysninger.

Cookies, der kræver dit samtykke

Sessionscookies (funktionelle cookies)

Gør det muligt for webstedet at give bedre funktionalitet og øget personalisering. Disse cookies installeres af os eller af tredjepartsleverandører, hvis tjenester vi har integreret på vores websted. Hvis du ikke accepterer disse cookies, kan nogle eller alle vores tjenester muligvis ophøre med at fungere.

Analytiske cookies (performance cookies, analytics cookies)

Vi bruger f.eks. Google Analytics, hvis cookies giver os mulighed for at tælle besøg og trafikkilder. De hjælper os med at måle og forbedre vores websteds ydeevne og hjælper os med at identificere hvilke sider der er de mest og mindst populære, samt er med til at identificere, hvordan de besøgende bevæger sig rundt på webstedet. De gemmer ikke direkte personlige data, men de identificerer dig via din browser og enhed.


Disse cookies kan blive installeret af vores reklamepartnere. Denne type cookie kan bruges til at oprette en profil af dine interesser og vise dig relevante annoncer på andre websteder. De gemmer ikke direkte nogen personlige data; de er baseret på en unik identifikation af din browser og enhed. Hvis du ikke giver dit samtykke til disse cookies, vil du opleve mindre målrettede reklamer på andre websteder.

Hvis du ønsker at læse mere om privatlivspolitikkerne for leverandørerne af vores tredjepartscookies, kan du henvise til den eller de pågældende leverandører.

Administrer dine cookie-indstillinger

Hvis du ikke længere ønsker, at vi skal gemme dine cookies på vores websted, kan du altid afvise og tilbagekalde dit samtykke til nogle eller alle ikke-nødvendige cookies ved at klikke på knappen nederst til venstre.

Du kan også styre cookies direkte i dine browserindstillinger. Du kan f.eks. vælge indstillinger, der gør, at browseren blokerer nye cookies, sletter eksisterende cookies, informerer dig, når du modtager en ny cookie, eller helt deaktiverer cookies.

Du kan få flere oplysninger om, hvordan du ændrer dine browserindstillinger, ved at se browserens hjælpeside.

Cookie NameLifespanHostnameCategoryDescription
_clckPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkFunctional Cookies
_pinterest_ct_uaPERSISTENTct.pinterest.comTargeting CookiesThird party cookie used when Pinterest are unable to match the user. It contains a unique UUID to group actions across pages.
_fbpPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkTargeting CookiesUsed by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers
ANONCHKPERSISTENTc.clarity.msPerformance CookiesThis cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.
_routing_idPERSISTENTwww.pinterest.comTargeting Cookies
MUIDPERSISTENTclarity.msPerformance CookiesThis cookie is widely used my Microsoft as a unique user identifier. It can be set by embedded microsoft scripts. Widely believed to sync across many different Microsoft domains, allowing user tracking.
s_xxxxSESSIONroyaldesign.dkFunctional Cookies
_clskPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkFunctional Cookies
_authPERSISTENTwww.pinterest.ieTargeting Cookies
wisepopsPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkTargeting CookiesA technical cookie set by Wisepops, a tool used to displaying pop-ups, the cookie used for storing user session identifier in web application.
OptanonAlertBoxClosedPERSISTENT.royaldesign.dkStrictly Necessary CookiesThis cookie is set by websites using certain versions of the cookie law compliance solution from OneTrust. It is set after visitors have seen a cookie information notice and in some cases only when they actively close the notice down. It enables the website not to show the message more than once to a user. The cookie has a one year lifespan and contains no personal information.
_uetsidPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkTargeting CookiesThis cookie is used by Bing to determine what ads should be shown that may be relevant to the end user perusing the site.
b2bPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkFunctional Cookies
_pinterest_sessPERSISTENTwww.pinterest.ieTargeting CookiesThese cookies allow users to share pictures via Pinterest / the ""Pin It"" button, and Pinterest can collect statistical information about usage of their service.
_gat_gtag_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkTargeting CookiesGoogle Analytics
_gaPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkPerformance CookiesThis cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports. By default it is set to expire after 2 years, although this is customisable by website owners._ga
_pin_unauthPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkFunctional CookiesThis cookie is assocate with pinterest. It is used to track the usage of services.
s_xxxxSESSIONloader.wisepops.comFunctional Cookies
_gat_UA-nnnnnnn-nnPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkPerformance CookiesThis is a pattern type cookie set by Google Analytics, where the pattern element on the name contains the unique identity number of the account or website it relates to. It appears to be a variation of the _gat cookie which is used to limit the amount of data recorded by Google on high traffic volume websites.
_cs_nnnnnnnnnnnnnPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkTargeting CookiesThis is a session cookie. This is a pattern type cookie where a random 13-digit number is appended to the prefix _cs_.
_cs_nnnnnnnnnnnnnSESSIONt.contentsquare.netTargeting CookiesThis is a session cookie. This is a pattern type cookie where a random 13-digit number is appended to the prefix _cs_.
_gclxxxxPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkPerformance CookiesGoogle conversion tracking cookie
_gidPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkPerformance CookiesThis cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. This appears to be a new cookie and as of Spring 2017 no information is available from Google. It appears to store and update a unique value for each page visited._gid
OptanonConsentPERSISTENT.royaldesign.dkStrictly Necessary CookiesThis cookie is set by the cookie compliance solution from OneTrust. It stores information about the categories of cookies the site uses and whether visitors have given or withdrawn consent for the use of each category. This enables site owners to prevent cookies in each category from being set in the users browser, when consent is not given. The cookie has a normal lifespan of one year, so that returning visitors to the site will have their preferences remembered. It contains no information that can identify the site visitor.
anjPERSISTENTadnxs.comTargeting CookiesThis cookie contains data denoting whether a cookie ID is synced with an AppNexus partner.
SRM_BPERSISTENTc.bing.comTargeting CookiesThis is a Microsoft MSN 1st party cookie that ensures the proper functioning of this website.
_gd#############SESSIONroyaldesign.dkFunctional CookiesThis cookie contains no identifying information and is used for diagnostic purposes by Impact Radius, a service we use to track signup commissions for our affiliate program. We have categorized it under Functionality because it is necessary for the operation of our affiliate program.
_pinterest_referrerPERSISTENTwww.pinterest.ieTargeting CookiesThese cookies allow users to share pictures via Pinterest / the ""Pin It"" button, and Pinterest can collect statistical information about usage of their service.
ai_userPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkStrictly Necessary CookiesThis cookie name is associated with the Microsoft Application Insights software, which collects statictical usage and telemetry information for apps built on the Azure cloud platform. This is a unique user identifier cookie enabling counting of the number of users accessing the application over time.user
_routing_idPERSISTENTwww.pinterest.ieTargeting Cookies
SESSIONwww.facebook.comTargeting Cookies
ai_sessionPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkPerformance CookiesThis cookie name is associated with the Microsoft Application Insights software, which collects statistical usage and telemetry information for apps built on the Azure cloud platform. This is a unique anonymous session identifier cookie.
csrftokenPERSISTENTwww.pinterest.ieTargeting CookiesThis cookie is associated with the Django web development platform for Python. It is designed to help protect a site against at particular type of software attack on web forms.
gridItemCountPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkPerformance Cookies
_uetvidPERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkPerformance CookiesThis is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website.
uuid2PERSISTENTadnxs.comTargeting CookiesThis domain is owned by AppNexus Inc. The company provides a range of online advertising technology and services.
SMSESSIONc.clarity.msUnknownThis is a Microsoft MSN 1st party cookie which we use to measure the use of the website for internal analytics.
_clskPERSISTENTrum21.dkFunctional CookiesMicrosoft Clarity Connects multiple page views by a user into a single Clarity session recording.
MUIDPERSISTENTbing.comTargeting CookiesThis cookie is widely used my Microsoft as a unique user identifier. It can be set by embedded microsoft scripts. Widely believed to sync across many different Microsoft domains, allowing user tracking.
_gat_UA-PERSISTENTroyaldesign.dkPerformance CookiesThis is a pattern type cookie set by Google Analytics, where the pattern element on the name contains the unique identity number of the account or website it relates to. It appears to be a variation of the _gat cookie which is used to limit the amount of data recorded by Google on high traffic volume websites.